The month of June is globally celebrated as Men’s Health Month. Throughout the world, people celebrate one of the most essential aspects of a man’s life this month: Health. Essentially, health is an incredible component of human existence and it is beyond any gender, race, ethnicity, color, or age. However, this month marks a special celebration of the health of men.

In most societies across the world, men are the breadwinners, and thus, they are the ones who are responsible to look after their spouses, kids, and family members financially. This means that it’s a man’s job to procure finances to help their families live a comfortable life. In doing so, they rarely look after their health and consequently, this becomes problematic in the longer run.
Research shows that men become vulnerable to health crises when they reach the standard age – i.e. when they reach the age of 50. Likewise, other statistics show that men develop chronic health issues in their 40s. These health issues include heart diseases, diabetes, excessive blood pressure levels, and high cholesterol levels. Likewise, their mental health also declines as they get exposed to chronic mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, and stress.

Why is Male Health Vulnerable to A Decline?
One of the fundamental reasons for male health decline as they age is perhaps the nature of their jobs. They often work in dangerous job conditions and compared to women, men are 60% more likely to undertake risky jobs. Additionally, they also work more hours than women.

Now, it is apparent that men – as providers of the family – do everything in their power to improve the lifestyle of their families. In doing so, they often forget to look after their own health, and consequently, they become victims of health declines. “Heart disease is the foremost risk for men in their 40s,” says Dr. Nayan Desai, a globally acclaimed cardiologist. He further suggests that it is the carelessness and nature of their work that make men more vulnerable to heart diseases and deadly strokes.
What Men Should Do Then?
Well, as is often the case, the cure begins at home. To begin with, men need to be conscious of their health and secondly, they also need support from their loved ones–their spouses and family members must also look after them.
Similarly, emotional support from your significant others can also play a key role in the longer run. Meaning that the sense of being loved and heard alone can help improve male health. So, be compassionate towards your man; make him feel loved and heard, for this will go a long way.