Warren Buffet is one of the most well-known figures in the business field. And some of his greatest gifts are the pieces of wisdom that he shares with people, words that surely hit the mark and become sources of inspiration for many.
Alice Schroeder recalls in the biography she wrote on Buffett the time when he had a lecture at The University of Georgia and he was asked by the students on how he would define success. Buffett believed that success is measured not by how much money you have, but how much love you receive from others.

This response could come as a surprise to many since a self-made billionaire had just claimed that money does not define how successful you are.
He further explains that the way to receive love is to give love. No amount of money will ever buy love, which could become a cause of irritation if you do not realize this point yet and believe that you can simply throw cash to get whatever you want.
Love is a very general term, but there are several ways that we can embody Buffett’s principle, translate it into action, and slowly integrate it into our life:
Have empathy
Empathy is being able to look at a situation from the perspective of other people. It also is an important leadership skill. One study found that listening and having an empathetic response played a major role in a team’s performance.

Give love selflessly and unconditionally
When we give love selflessly don’t expect anything in return, this love returns to us through people’s respect, trust, and loyalty. This also builds a feeling of self-compassion. And according to a study in 2011 by the University of California, those who have self-compassion are more motivated, recovers from failure easier, and have more willpower.
Maintain a fun and positive disposition at work
Enjoying your work results in higher productivity. You are able to enjoy your life if you love what you are doing. And when people are in an environment wherein they have the same principles and values, it would most definitely lead to higher performance.

Treat people the way they want you to
We often hear the words ‘treat people how you want them to treat you,’ but the truth is, it should be ‘treat others how they want you to’.
This ensures that they are being treated the way they actually want, and to avoid projecting your own idea on what you believe is the right way. Because what you think works for yourself may not apply to others.
Stick to your passion
This might be easier said than done, but loving your work plays a major part in your happiness and overall well-being.
It’s easy to lose track of what we really want to pursue, especially when we fear failure or losing the security that we might currently have, but it is when we cultivate and nurture our passion that we continue to grow and become better versions of ourselves.