Competing for job openings has always been challenging. With dozens of aspirants sending in their applications and vying for that dream job, you would have to make a killer resume to get noticed. Aside from your job experience, recruiters also take note of your skills.
Different jobs have different required skill sets, but several valuable skills would look golden on your resume no matter what job you’re applying for. However, do make sure that you indeed possess those abilities so as not to make false claims to a future employer. This might just end badly for you. Regardless of the specific job position, these following qualities would certainly look golden on your resume.

Skills in a Specific Mode of Communication
Having great communication skills as a valuable skill is a given. However, being adept at specific modes of communication would take you a step further. Determine which form you consider yourself a pro at and write it in your resume. Expertise in copywriting, web content writing or public speaking are valuable in the eyes of recruiters.
Customer Handling
If you have the technical know-how of certain customer management tools, then that would be a definite plus on your application; especially if the job you’re applying for would need it.
However, it’s not the only skill that could tell the recruiters that you can handle your customers’ needs. Even non-customer service job positions have to face their own “clients”. The quality of service and kind of attitude they show would also reflect on the company.

Project Management
You don’t have to be technically a Project Manager for you to be exposed to project management. Even by mentoring interns or leading a team of contract workers could also pass as managing a “project”.
Having been successful in leading a task or a group of people is music to the ears of hiring managers. If you’re not sure if you have done so in the past, you can list down your daily tasks and check which pieces fit the puzzle.
Social Media Savvy
Having thousands —or even millions—of followers or an abundance of well-curated aesthetic posts is not necessary. Instead, being able to understand and navigate your way through the most popular social media platforms can be a valuable skill—and we’re not even kidding.
If you understand the ins and outs of top social media apps like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter, it just shows that you’re keeping up with the evolving digital era. This is especially true if you’re not a digital native. It means that you’re adapting to the changing communication landscape.

Accomplishments in Stats
What better way to show proofs of your accomplishments than to add in some numerical values as supporting information. It’s much better to say that you helped increase your sales to 20% in the first quarter of the year than just saying that you helped raise your sales figures.
However, some accomplishments couldn’t be quantified. For these cases, you can explain how your contributions have benefited the bottom line. If you found an easier way to do things, talk about how it affected the entire process and result. Try to put specific examples to support your listed skills and achievements.