Most people, especially the men, hold themselves back from crying. We’ve grown up in a society where crying is often perceived as a sign of weakness. Or if not, he or she may be a crybaby as they give in to whatever tough situation they’re in.
Is it really bad to cry? The health experts don’t think so. If anything, they encourage anyone to cry and let their feelings out rather than bottling it in. Here’s why crying is never a weakness and why you shouldn’t hold back from crying.
Crying Serves as Your Emotional Outlet
Most people tend to bottle up their ill-feelings, frustrations, and anger inside, thinking it’ll go away with time. But that’s where you’re dead wrong. According to health experts, the ill-feelings and negative energy still remain in your body, mind, and soul. In fact, these ill-feelings become a heavy burden you carry inside each day until such a time when you cannot bear it anymore.

The sudden outburst of feelings often triggers arguments and conflicts, leading to broken connections and relationships. You can prevent this from happening by crying. Crying helps you unload all the unwanted feelings you keep inside. If you’re feeling tired, exhausted, or frustrated, don’t hesitate to cry and pour your feelings out. When you’re done, you’ll feel lighter and refreshed, ready to start all over again.
Crying Mirrors Your Inner Strength
Oftentimes, we see people arguing or quarreling with their voices raised, with some even leading to physical abuse as they let their emotional turmoil dictate their actions and decisions.
Our impulsiveness often leads us to say and do things you never really meant to, but the words you uttered and the things you did can scar a person for life and damage your relationship with them.

But not with crying. Crying is a docile form of unloading your anger and frustration without resorting to any derogatory acts or violence. It also shows emotional maturity and strength since you’re trying to solve things through diplomacy. When you’ve calmed down, you’ll be able to talk and sort things out in a calm and rational way.
It Makes Your Relationship Stronger
Crying not only helps clear out the ill-feelings you bottled inside and unload the burdens in your chest, but it also helps alert the other person that something’s wrong. This is also the perfect opportunity to reach out to the other party and express what bothers you, what makes you uncomfortable or any concerns that you want to convey.
The other person will be sensitive enough to reconsider their actions, and you two can talk things thoroughly to sort out any issues you might have with your family, friends, or even loved ones. If you’re facing some trials in life, crying helps alert your friends that’s something’s wrong with you. They will serve as your support system as they try helping you overcome whatever situation you’re in. Crying helps establish communication which can strengthen your bond and relationships.
It’s Good For Your Health and Heart.
According to health experts, crying doesn’t only improve your emotional and spiritual well-being, but also your physical and mental health too. Studies show those people who cry have a lower risk of acquiring heart disease. Its because they don’t have emotional burdens they carry in their chest, enabling them to be happy and focus more on enjoying life.

Meanwhile, some studies show those people who keep on bottling their feelings inside tend to develop anxiety, depression, and dementia (for older patients) since they tend to always think about their anger and frustrations which disrupt their routine and sleeping patterns.