Esther Wojcicki is what you would call a “famous parent,” due to her children being highly successful figures in their field. She is the mother of Youtube’s CEO, a pediatrics professor, and CEO and co-founder of 23andMe.
What is even more of an achievement, aside from emerging at the top considering the highly competitive nature of their chosen field, is that her daughters reached such accomplishments being in careers that are mostly dominated by men.
The way that adults carry themselves tells a lot about how they were raised. And seeing how these three women are thriving in their work, it might be safe to say that it’s parenting done right. People are constantly asking Esther for advice on how she was able to raise such successful individuals, and her response is simple, children should be taught the value of kindness.

Show the Value of Caring Through Actions
Esther has always believed in teaching acts of kindness through action, especially her passion for community service. She doesn’t simply reply on talking to her children about what they are able to achieve when they do good things, but she shows them how dedicating yourself to helping your community will make a big difference.
Love for Community
Volunteerism is also highly encouraged by Esther to her children. One study in 2016 found that teenagers who did volunteer work had lower chances of engaging in illegal activities and had fewer arrests and convictions from their 20s to early 30s.
It does come as a challenge to introduce community work to children especially when not all parents are as enthusiastic about it. But teaching this to kids will allow them to have a perspective wherein they not only think about themselves but other people as well.
Helping them develop a sense of community can guide them especially in the future when they are choosing their career path. And when we have this generation of people with these values of care and empathy, we can build a better nation.

Letting Go of the False American Idea
The idea of “make money, and do nothing” is a very incorrect mindset to instill into children, according to Esther. They should not have the idea that money is the ultimate goal, that it is the only thing that will give them happiness and fulfillment.
This will lead them to develop a selfish attitude and will make then turn a blind eye to societal issues. And they are too busy gaining wealth for themselves, they will live an isolated life that is void of genuine purpose and meaning.
Valuing Service and Purpose
Cases of depression and addiction are continuously growing in the US, and Esther believes that this might be because people are being taught to prioritize the wrong things like gaining money and possessions.
When we learn to let go of these individualistic pursuits and see the value of service, you live a more meaningful life. Because people are happiest, not to mention most helpful to society when they are able to serve others.

Making a change in the community does not have to be a big gesture, you can start by doing small changes in your own way. Do a little volunteering, educate yourself on issues surrounding your own neighborhood, exercise your right to vote.
These seem like simple things, but little things, when done by a lot of people, will already create a huge impact on society.